2024 Transportation Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Updated July 8, 2024

2024 Transportation Master Plan final report

Oxford County has completed the 2024 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. 

The plan identifies the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements needed to manage both existing and future transportation demands to the year 2046.

Update: February 22, 2023

2024 Transportation Master Plan 

Oxford County has initiated the development of a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) that will define the County’s vision and goals for its transportation system over the next 20 years, from 2024 through to 2046.

The Plan will consider:

  • population and employment growth in the County;
  • accommodation of future transportation conditions, as well as sustainable and multi-modal transportation solutions (e.g., promoting active transportation); and,
  • specific needs of the County, including people and goods movement, along with agricultural mobility.

Key objectives

Parsons Inc. was retained by Oxford County to complete the Transportation Master Plan Update. Key objectives of the update were:

  • Assess existing and future transportation network conditions and performance, with consideration to travel demand and patterns.
  • Identify needs of the transportation system and develop policies to address them.
  • Develop a safe, effective and financially viable integrated transportation system implementation plan that maximizes the use of existing infrastructure and promotes regional connectivity.

The first phase of public consultation took place between March and October 2022. A second phase of public consultation took place from March 1 to April 11, 2023. 

Have your say

Public participation and feedback is an important part of identifying the community’s transportation needs and priorities. In the first phase of public consultation (March to October 2022), we asked the community and other key stakeholders to share their transportation priorities. In the second phase of consultation, we asked for feedback on the draft recommendations that considered the first round of community input. 

For more information about public consultation for this project, please see the project updates below. 

Comments or questions? Please reach out to the project contacts listed at right. 

Updated July 8, 2024

2024 Transportation Master Plan final report

Oxford County has completed the 2024 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. 

The plan identifies the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements needed to manage both existing and future transportation demands to the year 2046.

Update: February 22, 2023

2024 Transportation Master Plan 

Oxford County has initiated the development of a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) that will define the County’s vision and goals for its transportation system over the next 20 years, from 2024 through to 2046.

The Plan will consider:

  • population and employment growth in the County;
  • accommodation of future transportation conditions, as well as sustainable and multi-modal transportation solutions (e.g., promoting active transportation); and,
  • specific needs of the County, including people and goods movement, along with agricultural mobility.

Key objectives

Parsons Inc. was retained by Oxford County to complete the Transportation Master Plan Update. Key objectives of the update were:

  • Assess existing and future transportation network conditions and performance, with consideration to travel demand and patterns.
  • Identify needs of the transportation system and develop policies to address them.
  • Develop a safe, effective and financially viable integrated transportation system implementation plan that maximizes the use of existing infrastructure and promotes regional connectivity.

The first phase of public consultation took place between March and October 2022. A second phase of public consultation took place from March 1 to April 11, 2023. 

Have your say

Public participation and feedback is an important part of identifying the community’s transportation needs and priorities. In the first phase of public consultation (March to October 2022), we asked the community and other key stakeholders to share their transportation priorities. In the second phase of consultation, we asked for feedback on the draft recommendations that considered the first round of community input. 

For more information about public consultation for this project, please see the project updates below. 

Comments or questions? Please reach out to the project contacts listed at right. 

Consultation has concluded
  • 2024 Transportation Master Plan final report

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    Updated July 8, 2024

    Oxford County has completed the 2024 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study.

    The plan identifies the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements needed to manage both existing and future transportation demands to the year 2046.

  • Notice of Study Completion

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    November 1, 2023

    Notice of Study Completion for the 2024 Transportation Master Plan

    Oxford County has completed the 2024 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. The plan identifies the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements needed to manage both existing and future transportation demands to the year 2046.

    By this notice, the TMP report is being placed online on the public record for a 30-day review period starting November 1 and ending November 30, 2023. Written comments will be accepted until November 30, 2023.

    All comments and concerns should be addressed to Oxford County staff listed on the public notice. See public notice

    A request may be made to the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks for an order requiring a higher level of study, or that conditions be imposed, only on the grounds that the requested order may prevent, mitigate or remedy adverse impacts on constitutionally protected Aboriginal and treaty rights. Requests on other grounds will not be considered. Requests must include your contact information and be received by November 30, 2023. Read the public notice for more details

    Read the 2024 Transportation Master Plan Final Report (Oct 31, 2023)

    Read the Notice of Study Completion (Nov 1, 2023) | Accessible version

  • Final Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan available for review

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    Update: October 6, 2023

    Final Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan available for review

    The Final Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan goes before Oxford County Council on October 11, 2023. At Council's request, on July 12, 2023, the draft plan was posted for an additional 75-day informal comment before moving to the final approval stage.

    Under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process for Master Plans, this last stage includes a final 30-day public review period before the document is accepted as the final 2024 Transportation Master Plan.

    The draft plan lays out Oxford County’s strategic roadmap for multi-modal transportation infrastructure and services through to 2046. Through various studies, research, data collections, and two extensive public consultation phases started in 2022, the draft plan puts forward strategies to address existing and future needs for:
    • the County’s road network;
    • active transportation, for instance, cycling and pedestrian routes;
    • goods movement, such as rail freight, trucking, etc.;
    • people movement, e.g., commuting infrastructure; and,
    • transportation system sustainability and new technologies, such as electric or autonomous vehicles.

    Although it considers a more than 20-year window for action, the master plan is intended to be revisited and updated on a five-year schedule.

    Download the Final Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan - Updated Oct 6, 2023

    Read Council Report PW 2023-40: 2024 Transportation Master Plan – Extended Consultation

  • Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan posted

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    Update: July 13, 2023

    Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan available for review

    The Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan was before Oxford County Council on July 12, 2023. At Council’s request, the draft plan is being posted for an additional 75-day informal comment period before it moves to the final approval stage.

    Under the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process for Master Plans, this last stage will include a final 30-day public review period before the document is accepted as the final 2024 Transportation Master Plan.

    The draft plan lays out Oxford County’s strategic roadmap for multi-modal transportation infrastructure and services through to 2046. Through various studies, research, data collections, and two extensive public consultation phases started in 2022, the draft plan puts forward strategies to address existing and future needs for:

    • the County’s road network;
    • active transportation, for instance cycling and pedestrian routes;
    • goods movement, such as rail freight, trucking, etc.;
    • people movement, e.g., commuting infrastructure; and,
    • transportation system sustainability and new technologies, such as electric or autonomous vehicles.

    Although it considers a more than 20-year window for action, the master plan is intended to be revisited and updated on a five-year schedule.

    Download the Draft 2024 Transportation Master Plan

    Read Council Report PW 2023-32: 2024 Transportation Master Plan

  • PCC #2 Consultation period closed

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    June 1, 2023


    Update on Public Consultation Centre #2

    The second public consultation centre for the 2024 Transportation Master Plan took place online on March 21, 2023. This presentation included a summary of public input so far, travel trends and transportation network analysis, and draft recommendations and their supporting policies and strategies.

    In-person events took place in Woodstock, Ingersoll and Tillsonburg March 21-30.

    The online survey was open for comment between March 15 and April 11, 2023.

    Download the presentation

    How to have your say


    Public participation and feedback is an important part of identifying the community’s transportation needs and priorities. In the first phase of public consultation (March to October 2022), we asked the community and other key stakeholders to share their transportation priorities. In the second phase of consultation, we are asking for feedback on the draft recommendations that considered the first round of community input.

    How to have your say:

    1. PUBLIC CONSULTATION CENTRE (PCC) #2 - March 21, 2023

    Talk to the project team in person at these times and locations:
    • Ingersoll - Town Council Chambers: Thursday, March 23 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
    • Woodstock - Oxford County Council Chamber: Tuesday, March 28 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
    • Tillsonburg - Town Council Chambers: Thursday, March 30 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

    Provide feedback through the online map tool or online survey. SURVEY AND MAP ARE NOW CLOSED TO COMMENTS

    Fill out the comment and question form below.

    Submit a comment or question to the project's key contacts at any time:

    The draft Transportation Master Plan Study Report will be available for public review and comment before it is finalized.

    Please note: Information is collected in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record.

  • Feedback from Public Consultation Centre #2

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    March 23, 2023

    Update from second phase of public consultation

    The second public consultation centre for the 2024 Transportation Master Plan took place online on March 21, 2023. This presentation included a summary of public input so far, travel trends and transportation network analysis, and draft recommendations and their supporting policies and strategies.

    In-person events take place in Woodstock, Ingersoll and Tillsonburg March 21-30. To take the survey or learn how you can submit feedback during this consultation period, see "Have Your Say." Please submit your feedback by April 11, 2023.

    Download the presentation

  • Oxford County sharing draft recommendations for the 2024 Transportation Master Plan

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    March 15, 2023

    Public will have a chance to learn early direction for the plan and give feedback through online and in-person events March 21-30

    Oxford County is sharing draft recommendations for the 2024 Transportation Master Plan for community feedback.

    Public Consultation Centre #2

    Tuesday, March 21, 2023

    6:00-7:30 p.m.

    The draft recommendations, which considered input from the public over last summer and fall, encompass road and intersection improvements, road safety monitoring, building Oxford’s road network, enhancing truck and freight transportation, supporting public transportation, and exploring low-carbon transportation and new technologies.

    In-person drop-in events are also taking place in the following locations to give residents a chance to learn more and speak directly with the project team.

    • Ingersoll: Thursday, March 23 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers
    • Woodstock: Tuesday, March 28 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Oxford County Council Chamber
    • Tillsonburg: Thursday, March 30 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Town Council Chambers

    A recording of the public consultation centre will be posted for viewing after March 21. You can submit your feedback until April 11, 2023, by email, phone, or through the online survey, interactive map and comment form at Speak Up, Oxford! at www.oxfordcounty.ca/speakup. The County welcomes feedback from residents, neighbours of the County, and agencies, employers and other organizations with an interest in inter-regional transportation.

    For more information visit www.oxfordcounty.ca/2024tmp.

  • Notice of Public Consultation Centre #2

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    February 22, 2023

    The second phase of public consultation takes place over spring 2023. Give your feedback online at Speak Up, Oxford; join the online Public Consultation Centre (PCC) #2 on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, from 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.; or visit us in person:

    Ingersoll - Town Council Chambers: Thursday, March 23 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
    Woodstock - Oxford County Council Chamber: Tuesday, March 28 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.
    Tillsonburg - Town Council Chambers: Thursday, March 30 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m.

    The purpose of PCC #2 is to:

    • Present a summary of what we heard at PCC #1;
    • Present observed travel trends and the completednetwork analysis;
    • Present future network recommendations and proposed implementation plan;
    • Summarize supporting policies and strategies;
    • Provide an opportunity for the public to view andcomment on all the presented material.

    The comment period for PCC #2 is from March 22 to April 11, 2023. However, comments are welcome for the duration of the study.

    Read the public notice

  • Update from Phase 1 Public Consultation (Fall 2022)

    Share Update from Phase 1 Public Consultation (Fall 2022) on Facebook Share Update from Phase 1 Public Consultation (Fall 2022) on Twitter Share Update from Phase 1 Public Consultation (Fall 2022) on Linkedin Email Update from Phase 1 Public Consultation (Fall 2022) link

    December 2022

    Update on Phase 1 Public Consultation

    Public participation and feedback is an important part of identifying the community’s transportation needs and priorities. The first phase of public consultation for the Transportation Master Plan ran from March to October 19, 2022. Feedback from this phase will be used to prepare recommendations for the draft master plan study report.

    Phase 1 consultation included:

    • online feedback form, interactive map, and online question form;
    • a virtual (online) public consultation centre held on September 27;
    • in-person "pop-up" events in September at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show, Ingersoll Town Hall and Tillsonburg Ribfest; and,
    • comments submitted by email.

    Summary of feedback

    Public Consultation Centre #1 for the 2024 Transportation Master Plan took place Tuesday, September 27, 2022.
    Watch the recording | View the slides

    Video recording: Public Consultation Centre #1
    Presentation slides: Public Consultation Centre #1

    Oxford County Council received an update on the Transportation Master Plan on Wednesday, November 9, 2022.
    Read the report | View the slides

    Next steps

    Please check back for updates on the second round of public consultation events scheduled for spring of 2023.

  • News release: Oxford County seeking feedback on the 2024 Transportation Master Plan

    Share News release: Oxford County seeking feedback on the 2024 Transportation Master Plan on Facebook Share News release: Oxford County seeking feedback on the 2024 Transportation Master Plan on Twitter Share News release: Oxford County seeking feedback on the 2024 Transportation Master Plan on Linkedin Email News release: Oxford County seeking feedback on the 2024 Transportation Master Plan link

    September 20, 2022

    Oxford County seeking feedback on the 2024 Transportation Master Plan

    Plan will set out priorities for the County’s transportation planning for the next 20 years

    Oxford County is in the process of updating the Transportation Master Plan and looking for feedback.

    Anyone who lives in, works in, or visits Oxford County is invited to have a say on the 2024 Transportation Master Plan by visiting Speak Up, Oxford! at www.oxfordcounty.ca/speakup. The County also welcomes input from agencies, employers and other organizations with an interest in inter-regional transportation. You can offer feedback by:

    • Using the interactive map of Oxford County to mark comments on roads, trails, commercial transportation routes and other areas;
    • Filling out the short feedback form to select priorities from a list of options;
    • Sending a comment or email; or,
    • Taking part in the first Public Consultation Centre on Tuesday, September 27, 2022 from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. This event is an online public meeting. Registration and login details are at www.oxfordcounty.ca/2024tmp.

    Read the full news release