2024 Transportation Master Plan

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Consultation has concluded

Updated July 8, 2024

2024 Transportation Master Plan final report

Oxford County has completed the 2024 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. 

The plan identifies the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements needed to manage both existing and future transportation demands to the year 2046.

Update: February 22, 2023

2024 Transportation Master Plan 

Oxford County has initiated the development of a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) that will define the County’s vision and goals for its transportation system over the next 20 years, from 2024 through to 2046.

The Plan will consider:

  • population and employment growth in the County;
  • accommodation of future transportation conditions, as well as sustainable and multi-modal transportation solutions (e.g., promoting active transportation); and,
  • specific needs of the County, including people and goods movement, along with agricultural mobility.

Key objectives

Parsons Inc. was retained by Oxford County to complete the Transportation Master Plan Update. Key objectives of the update were:

  • Assess existing and future transportation network conditions and performance, with consideration to travel demand and patterns.
  • Identify needs of the transportation system and develop policies to address them.
  • Develop a safe, effective and financially viable integrated transportation system implementation plan that maximizes the use of existing infrastructure and promotes regional connectivity.

The first phase of public consultation took place between March and October 2022. A second phase of public consultation took place from March 1 to April 11, 2023. 

Have your say

Public participation and feedback is an important part of identifying the community’s transportation needs and priorities. In the first phase of public consultation (March to October 2022), we asked the community and other key stakeholders to share their transportation priorities. In the second phase of consultation, we asked for feedback on the draft recommendations that considered the first round of community input. 

For more information about public consultation for this project, please see the project updates below. 

Comments or questions? Please reach out to the project contacts listed at right. 

Updated July 8, 2024

2024 Transportation Master Plan final report

Oxford County has completed the 2024 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Class Environmental Assessment (EA) Study. 

The plan identifies the policies, programs and infrastructure improvements needed to manage both existing and future transportation demands to the year 2046.

Update: February 22, 2023

2024 Transportation Master Plan 

Oxford County has initiated the development of a Transportation Master Plan (TMP) that will define the County’s vision and goals for its transportation system over the next 20 years, from 2024 through to 2046.

The Plan will consider:

  • population and employment growth in the County;
  • accommodation of future transportation conditions, as well as sustainable and multi-modal transportation solutions (e.g., promoting active transportation); and,
  • specific needs of the County, including people and goods movement, along with agricultural mobility.

Key objectives

Parsons Inc. was retained by Oxford County to complete the Transportation Master Plan Update. Key objectives of the update were:

  • Assess existing and future transportation network conditions and performance, with consideration to travel demand and patterns.
  • Identify needs of the transportation system and develop policies to address them.
  • Develop a safe, effective and financially viable integrated transportation system implementation plan that maximizes the use of existing infrastructure and promotes regional connectivity.

The first phase of public consultation took place between March and October 2022. A second phase of public consultation took place from March 1 to April 11, 2023. 

Have your say

Public participation and feedback is an important part of identifying the community’s transportation needs and priorities. In the first phase of public consultation (March to October 2022), we asked the community and other key stakeholders to share their transportation priorities. In the second phase of consultation, we asked for feedback on the draft recommendations that considered the first round of community input. 

For more information about public consultation for this project, please see the project updates below. 

Comments or questions? Please reach out to the project contacts listed at right. 

  • CLOSED: Comments for this phase of consultation have closed. Please check back to provide feedback for the next stage of this project.

    In the first phase of community consultation in 2022, we asked residents and partners for feedback on the County's transportation priorities. 

    Now, we are asking for feedback on the draft recommendations for the Transportation Master Plan.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Survey: Draft recommendations for the Transportation Master Plan on Facebook Share Survey: Draft recommendations for the Transportation Master Plan on Twitter Share Survey: Draft recommendations for the Transportation Master Plan on Linkedin Email Survey: Draft recommendations for the Transportation Master Plan link
  • CLOSED: This survey has now closed. Please watch for future opportunities to provide feedback.

    The Transportation Master Plan update considers all the ways people and goods move through and within Oxford County-- tell us what's important to you!

    Your feedback will be reflected in the final long-term transportation strategy presented to Oxford County Council. Please note that feedback relating to services provided by local area municipalities will be shared with those municipalities.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Connecting Oxford: What are Oxford's transportation priorities? on Facebook Share Connecting Oxford: What are Oxford's transportation priorities? on Twitter Share Connecting Oxford: What are Oxford's transportation priorities? on Linkedin Email Connecting Oxford: What are Oxford's transportation priorities? link