Serving our rural library branches

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Consultation has concluded

The Rural Community Engagement Survey has now closed. Please watch for future updates. 

Updated March 19, 2024

Oxford County Library is committed to promoting and providing its communities with universal access to information, ideas and engaging experiences in welcoming spaces.

We recognize that for our patrons in rural communities, accessing library services presents unique challenges. This may be due to physical distance from a library branch, hours of operation for our rural branches, internet connectivity, or other issues. 

The 2024 Rural Community Engagement Survey is your chance to help shape the future of your local library and make it even better. We want to know how we can enhance library services for our rural patrons through options for open hours; physical or virtual set up of library spaces; and the activities, collections and technology we offer. 

2024 Rural Community Engagement Survey

The Rural Community Engagement Survey is quick and easy, taking only 5-10 minutes to finish. 

Your answers will help us understand how well the library is doing and what we can do to make it even better for you. The survey is open until May 1, 2024.

By taking part, you'll have a chance to win one of five (5) $40 gift cards to a local shop or restaurant of your choice -- be sure to fill out the last question in the survey to enter.

If you use Oxford County Library branches in Ingersoll or Tillsonburg, or Woodstock Public Library, we appreciate your support, but this survey is for the rural areas of Oxford County. If you live in Ingersoll, Tillsonburg, or Woodstock, but consider a rural branch your “home branch,” feel free to complete the survey. 

Your responses are important and will be kept private.

Other ways to have a say

The survey is an important tool to help us determine patterns and overall preferences among our rural patrons. If you don't want to fill out a survey, there are other ways you can share your thoughts with us. 

More information

Thank you for helping us make your library experience the best it can be! We value your input and look forward to hearing from you.

If you have questions about this survey or our community outreach, please reach out to one of the contacts listed at right. 

The Rural Community Engagement Survey has now closed. Please watch for future updates. 

Updated March 19, 2024

Oxford County Library is committed to promoting and providing its communities with universal access to information, ideas and engaging experiences in welcoming spaces.

We recognize that for our patrons in rural communities, accessing library services presents unique challenges. This may be due to physical distance from a library branch, hours of operation for our rural branches, internet connectivity, or other issues. 

The 2024 Rural Community Engagement Survey is your chance to help shape the future of your local library and make it even better. We want to know how we can enhance library services for our rural patrons through options for open hours; physical or virtual set up of library spaces; and the activities, collections and technology we offer. 

2024 Rural Community Engagement Survey

The Rural Community Engagement Survey is quick and easy, taking only 5-10 minutes to finish. 

Your answers will help us understand how well the library is doing and what we can do to make it even better for you. The survey is open until May 1, 2024.

By taking part, you'll have a chance to win one of five (5) $40 gift cards to a local shop or restaurant of your choice -- be sure to fill out the last question in the survey to enter.

If you use Oxford County Library branches in Ingersoll or Tillsonburg, or Woodstock Public Library, we appreciate your support, but this survey is for the rural areas of Oxford County. If you live in Ingersoll, Tillsonburg, or Woodstock, but consider a rural branch your “home branch,” feel free to complete the survey. 

Your responses are important and will be kept private.

Other ways to have a say

The survey is an important tool to help us determine patterns and overall preferences among our rural patrons. If you don't want to fill out a survey, there are other ways you can share your thoughts with us. 

More information

Thank you for helping us make your library experience the best it can be! We value your input and look forward to hearing from you.

If you have questions about this survey or our community outreach, please reach out to one of the contacts listed at right. 

  • CLOSED: This survey has now closed. Please watch for future updates.

    We need your help in shaping the future of the Oxford County Library’s rural branches! This survey will take 10-15 minutes to complete. All answers will remain confidential.

    Please note this survey is for patrons of rural library branches only. It is not intended for residents who use Oxford County Library’s Ingersoll or Tillsonburg branches, or Woodstock Public Library.

    By taking part, you'll have a chance to win one of five (5) $40 gift cards to a local shop or restaurant of your choice -- please be sure to fill out the last question to enter.

    *Prize draw entries are limited to one per participant. This measure is in place to uphold the integrity of the survey results and ensure fairness for all participants who wish to be considered for the prize draw.

    Consultation has concluded
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