Princeton: Oxford Rd 2 (Dundas Street) in Blandford-Blenheim
What we found
The driver operating speed (speed that 85% of drivers typically drove at regardless of posted speed limit) along Oxford Road 2 in Princeton ranged from 63 to 77 km/hour. Driver operating speeds at the east and west limits in the 60 km/hour zone ranged from 82 to 105 km/hour.
What we're recommending
- Adjust the 80 km/hour speed zone to the Horner Creek Bridge at the west end and at 911# 687037 at the east end.
- Change the posted speed limit through Princeton on Oxford Road 2 to 60 km/hour.
- Change the posted speed to 70 km/hour from the Horner Creek Bridge to house # 120 (west village limits).
- Consider gateway signage, streetlighting and landscaping at east and west approaches.
- Add electronic speed feedback signs for incoming traffic at east and west limits of proposed 60km/hr zone.
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