Norwich Township
Community Update - May 10, 2023 | Accessible version
Oxford County is proposing changes to improve road safety in Norwich Township in:
- Curries on Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road)
- Springford on Oxford Road 13 (West Street) and Oxford Road 19 (Main Street)
Members of the community are invited to learn more and/or to present comments at Oxford County Council as a delegate:
Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Council meeting start: 9:30 a.m.
If you would like to present comments to County Council, you must make a request to the County Clerk at by June 7, 2023, at 4:30 p.m. You can fill out a delegation request form online here.
A summary of the proposed changes follows below. To read the full Council report that will be considered at the June 14 County Council meeting, please check on Friday, June 9 when the council agenda and reports are published on the Oxford County website.
Curries - Oxford Road 40
Proposed road safety improvements | See map
- A 70 km/h speed zone on Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road) east of the built-up area in Curries
- An electronic speed feedback sign on Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road) for westbound traffic where the 70 km/h zone begins
- Adjusting 60 km/h speed zone on Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road) to better align with the built up limits of Curries
- "Hidden Driveway" signs installed westbound and eastbound on Oxford Road 40 (Curries Road) near the vertical curve at the east limits of the 70 km/h speed zone to warn motorists of upcoming entrances
Springford (Oxford Road 19 and Oxford Road 13)
Proposed road safety improvements | See map
- Electronic speed feedback signs at all four approaches in to Springford: north and south ends of Oxford Road 13 (West Street), and at the west and east ends of Oxford Road 19 (Main Street)
- Adjusting 50 km/h zone limits at the north and south ends of Oxford Road 13 (West Street) to align with the village limits and limits of the built up area
- Adjusting 50 km/h zone on Oxford Road 19 (Main Street) to a 60 km/h zone and extending zone limits at the west end of the community to better align with the limits of the built up area
- Implementing a Community Safety Zone on Oxford Road 19 (Main Street) and aligning with the limits of the 60 km/h zone
- Extending current street lighting on Oxford Road 19 (Main Street) further west to align with the 60 km/h zone limit
- Relocating community boundary sign on the south end of Oxford Road 13 (West Street) to better align with village limits