Official Plan - Environmental Policies

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october 25, 2023

Oxford County continues to review its environmental policies to ensure that environmental resources are protected and sustainably managed for the long term and prepared to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of a changing climate.

In phase two of the Official Plan update, Oxford County is proposing updates to the environmental resource policies to ensure our environmental resources are sustainably managed and protected for the long term.

To help inform the update, the County has released:Cover page: Suggested Policy Directions

  • A Suggested Policy Directions document, which includes discussion of the related legislative and technical considerations, along with suggested directions intended to inform policy development;
  • An updated Oxford Natural Heritage Systems Study (ONHSS) report, which includes information about the County’s natural heritage system and the ecologically important natural features and areas within the system and how they were identified.

Share your feedback!

All feedback will help inform the development of a detailed set of draft policies, including mapping (where applicable), which will be released for further community engagement and discussion, including with the area municipalities, community groups (e.g., Agricultural and Planning Advisory Committee) and the public.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Oxford County is reviewing its environmental resource policies to ensure that environmental resources are protected and sustainably managed for the long term and prepared to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of a changing climate.

In phase two of the Official Plan update, Oxford County is proposing updates to the environmental resource policies to ensure our environmental resources are sustainably managed and protected for the long term.

The County is committed to regularly reviewing and updating its Official Plan policies to ensure they remain current, consistent with Provincial legislation and policies, and reflect local planning principles and objectives as the community continues to grow and change.

These are the policies that guide the protection, management, restoration and enhancement of natural heritage (e.g., woodlands, wetlands and valley lands), water resources (e.g., streams, rivers, groundwater and drinking water), and soils, as well as the policies regarding climate change, open space (e.g., parks, trails) and natural hazards (e.g., floodplains).

Oxford County's natural heritage system includes important natural features and areas such as woodlands, wetlands, valley lands, meadows and watercourses. These features and areas provide important environmental (ecological, geological, and hydrological), social and economic benefits, including:

  • Providing habitat for wild plants and animals
  • Providing spaces for recreation and enjoyment of nature
  • Filtering pollution and sediments from the air and water
  • Reducing stormwater run-off, flooding and erosion
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by storing carbon dioxide
  • Contributing to the local economy (e.g. forestry, maple products and tourism)
  • Increasing crop yield by improving soil health and growing conditions.

The Oxford Natural Heritage System Study (ONHSS) provides more detailed information about the County's natural heritage system and the ecologically important natural features and areas within the system, and how they were identified. The mapping for the study is currently being updated based on 2020 imagery to understand changes in the landscape over the past five years. Additional analysis is also being undertaken to better understand the components of the County's water resource systems and natural hazards.

Like any asset, wise management of our natural environment is the key to sustainability. Oxford County is committed to protecting and enhancing the natural environment in Oxford through involvement in a number of programs and initiatives, including its Official Plan.

To help inform the development of objectives and policy directions for updating the environmental resource policies, we would like to hear from you.

Have your say!

The survey period has now closed.


Did we miss you at the open house? You can still check out the open house boards and tell us what you think!

october 25, 2023

Oxford County continues to review its environmental policies to ensure that environmental resources are protected and sustainably managed for the long term and prepared to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of a changing climate.

In phase two of the Official Plan update, Oxford County is proposing updates to the environmental resource policies to ensure our environmental resources are sustainably managed and protected for the long term.

To help inform the update, the County has released:Cover page: Suggested Policy Directions

  • A Suggested Policy Directions document, which includes discussion of the related legislative and technical considerations, along with suggested directions intended to inform policy development;
  • An updated Oxford Natural Heritage Systems Study (ONHSS) report, which includes information about the County’s natural heritage system and the ecologically important natural features and areas within the system and how they were identified.

Share your feedback!

All feedback will help inform the development of a detailed set of draft policies, including mapping (where applicable), which will be released for further community engagement and discussion, including with the area municipalities, community groups (e.g., Agricultural and Planning Advisory Committee) and the public.

Monday, May 30, 2022

Oxford County is reviewing its environmental resource policies to ensure that environmental resources are protected and sustainably managed for the long term and prepared to adapt to and mitigate the impacts of a changing climate.

In phase two of the Official Plan update, Oxford County is proposing updates to the environmental resource policies to ensure our environmental resources are sustainably managed and protected for the long term.

The County is committed to regularly reviewing and updating its Official Plan policies to ensure they remain current, consistent with Provincial legislation and policies, and reflect local planning principles and objectives as the community continues to grow and change.

These are the policies that guide the protection, management, restoration and enhancement of natural heritage (e.g., woodlands, wetlands and valley lands), water resources (e.g., streams, rivers, groundwater and drinking water), and soils, as well as the policies regarding climate change, open space (e.g., parks, trails) and natural hazards (e.g., floodplains).

Oxford County's natural heritage system includes important natural features and areas such as woodlands, wetlands, valley lands, meadows and watercourses. These features and areas provide important environmental (ecological, geological, and hydrological), social and economic benefits, including:

  • Providing habitat for wild plants and animals
  • Providing spaces for recreation and enjoyment of nature
  • Filtering pollution and sediments from the air and water
  • Reducing stormwater run-off, flooding and erosion
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions by storing carbon dioxide
  • Contributing to the local economy (e.g. forestry, maple products and tourism)
  • Increasing crop yield by improving soil health and growing conditions.

The Oxford Natural Heritage System Study (ONHSS) provides more detailed information about the County's natural heritage system and the ecologically important natural features and areas within the system, and how they were identified. The mapping for the study is currently being updated based on 2020 imagery to understand changes in the landscape over the past five years. Additional analysis is also being undertaken to better understand the components of the County's water resource systems and natural hazards.

Like any asset, wise management of our natural environment is the key to sustainability. Oxford County is committed to protecting and enhancing the natural environment in Oxford through involvement in a number of programs and initiatives, including its Official Plan.

To help inform the development of objectives and policy directions for updating the environmental resource policies, we would like to hear from you.

Have your say!

The survey period has now closed.

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over 1 year

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Mom walking baby in the park

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.