Public Consultation Centre #2 materials

Updated September 28, 2023

Public Consultation Centre #2 materials

Oxford County is undertaking a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (Class EA) Study to explore potential opportunities for a new well supply in the Village of Tavistock.

After the first Public Consultation Centre (PCC) in December 2022, the North Optimist Park (Site Well 3) was identified as the preliminary preferred location for a new well.

A second PCC was held on September 26, 2023, to:

  • provide an update on the study process;
  • review the six alternative site concepts and layouts for the new on-site treatment facility; and
  • describe the preliminary preferred alternative design (split-stream ion exchange treatment).

Comments on the new well supply study are welcome and should be submitted by Friday, October 6, 2023.

Download the presentation
Watch the video
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