Community consultation on 10-Year Shelter Plan
September 18, 2023
Housing for all
Oxford County's 10-Year Shelter Plan
Affordable rental units. Housing with supports. Collaborative partnerships. Pathways to move people into permanent housing. These are just part of the planning Oxford County is undertaking to provide “Housing for all.”
You can have your say on Oxford County's new 10-Year Shelter Plan by filling out the survey below or sending questions or feedback to the project lead (see "Contact" at right) by Monday, October 30, 2023. -- SURVEY HAS NOW CLOSED
Your feedback will be used to develop the recommendations in the 10-Year Shelter Plan, which will be presented to Oxford County Council in mid-2024.
About the plan
Under the Housing Service Act, 2011, every municipal housing services manager in Ontario is required to prepare a local 10-year Housing and Homelessness Plan (10-Year Shelter Plan).
Oxford County's released its first 10-Year Shelter Plan in 2015, followed by a 5-Year Review in 2020. The Shelter Plan is supported by the Master Housing Strategy and currently focuses on the following goals and strategies up to 2024:
- increasing affordable rental housing supply;
- preserving and optimizing existing housing stock;
- reducing chronic homelessness;
- increasing housing with related supports; and,
- increasing rent supplement units in the community.
The 10-Year Shelter Plan will give special consideration to:
- the impact of the increasing cost of homes and the effects of population increase on the demand for homes;
- long wait times for supportive, subsidized and rent-geared-to-income housing units;
- the low supply of rental units available;
- the growing number of people in "core housing need"; that is, housing that is not adequate, affordable or suitable, and requires a household to spend more than 30% or more of its total before-tax income to pay median rent; and,
- pathways out of homelessness.
Committed to 100% Housed
Under Oxford County Council's 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, "100% Housed" is fundamental goal for achieving Oxford's vision of a healthy, vibrant, and sustainable future. Through the Strategic Plan, the County is committing to seeking innovative solutions to address our housing supply and affordability challenges, and to working with community partners and other levels of government to ensure our residents are “100% housed.”
More information
Oxford County Human Services - Shelter and Housing
Consultation on this project has concluded. Watch for updates on the final 10-Year Shelter Plan at