Growth Forecast and Land Need Analysis
December 3, 2024
Update: Draft forecasts for population, employment and municipal growth presented to County Council
County Council received draft population, household and employment forecasts and municipal growth allocations on November 13, 2024.
The next steps in the project are to analyze the existing land supply, including the assessment of the potential for intensification within the existing built-up area, and determine whether more land is needed to accommodate growth. Oxford County will also further consult with local area municipal councils and the public on findings from the study.
More information
- Council Report CP 2024-323 | Attachment 1 | Attachment 2
- Council meeting minutes | Video recording of Council meeting
July 30, 2024
Updates to County-wide growth forecasts and land needs
Oxford County is currently undertaking a study to update the growth forecasts and land needs for the County and its eight area municipalities for the next 30 years.
The study findings will support a review of the County’s strategic growth areas and inform any potential need to expand the existing urban areas and rural settlement boundaries. It will also inform a range of County projects and initiatives, such as Official Plan amendments and infrastructure master planning.
Community Planning has retained Watson & Associates Economists Ltd., with Dillon Consulting, to undertake this study, which is expected to be completed in early 2025. This study, also known as a Comprehensive Review (Phase 1), is expected to provide the County with the following information:
- updated population, household and employment projections for the County and each of the eight area municipalities for a 40-year forecast period (2021-2061);
- the share (allocation) of the forecasted population, household and employment growth that is anticipated to be accommodated within the urban areas and serviced villages in each of the eight municipalities over the forecast period;
- updated land needs analysis, which will include an updated land supply inventory and an assessment of residential intensification potential in priority areas.
The study will build upon and update the findings of Phase 1 – Comprehensive Review – Oxford County completed by Hemson Consulting Ltd. in 2020.

Have your say
More information about the Phase 1 Municipal Comprehensive Review project, including opportunities for comments and feedback from the public, will be available and posted on this page soon. Oxford County is currently reaching out to local area municipalities and other partners for feedback.
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