Child care and early years planning
Consultation has concluded
Update: July 2, 2024
The Child Care and Early Years Parent/Caregiver Survey has now closed. Please check back for next steps.
May 27, 2024
Oxford County offers programs, services and resources that respond to the needs of children and families in our community. This includes you and your family!
As the designated child care and early years provider in our community, Oxford County is responsible for planning and managing licensed child care services and EarlyON Child and Family Centres.
As part of this responsibility, Oxford County is required under legislation to develop and maintain a five-year plan to outline local priorities and provide direction for the child care and early years services.
Our first step is to reach out to families who are interested in and affected by child care and early years services where they live. Tell us about your child care and early years needs!
Parent and caregiver survey
The Child Care and Early Years Parent/Caregiver Survey is your chance to share your experiences, perspectives and ideas about child care and early years services in Oxford County.
Taking this survey will help us highlight successes, uncover challenges faced by families, and find opportunities to address the growing needs of our community. The survey will be available until June 28, 2024.
By taking part, you will have a chance to win one of five (5) $50 gift cards to a local business! To enter, please fill out your name and contact information in the last question.
Your responses are important! All survey responses and personal information will remain confidential.

Please note: The online survey and prize draw is open to parents or caregivers only. If you are not a parent or caregiver but would like to share feedback, please submit it by email to the project contacts or use the online comment card below.
Other ways to have your say
- COMPLETE THE SURVEY IN PERSON. You can answer the questions one-on-one with a staff member at any of the following locations. PLEASE NOTE: SURVEY IS NOW CLOSED
EarlyON Child and Family Centres
Woodstock: 75 Graham Street
Ingersoll: 121 Thames Street
Tillsonburg: 93 Bidwell Street
Oxford County Human Services offices
Woodstock: Oxford County Administration Building, 21 Reeve StreetIngersoll: Community Employment Services, 37 Alma Street
Tillsonburg: The Livingston Centre, 96 Tillson Avenue - SEND AN EMAIL. To share your comments or feedback with staff, send an email to one of the project contacts listed at right.
- ONLINE COMMENT CARD. Submit a comment, question or suggestion using the online comment card below.
More information
Thank you for helping us to build a child care and early years system that offers a wide range of high-quality early years services that are responsive to the needs of families in our community.
If you have any questions about this survey, please reach out to one of the contacts listed at right.