2024 Budget Survey - Norwich Township and Oxford County
Have your say on the 2024 Budget
Survey for Township of Norwich residents
Oxford County’s municipalities are working together to learn more about the priorities and preferences of Oxford residents, and this survey is your opportunity to have a say!
This survey focuses on services funded through your local municipal taxes (i.e., does not include federal, provincial or education taxes).
By taking part in this survey, you’ll help us understand how well municipal services are understood overall, how they are valued, and which ones are a priority for the people who live here.
There’s also plenty of opportunities to provide comments, so take a few minutes and tell us what you think.
The budget survey is broken into 4 parts:
- Questions about you (general info)
- Questions about your Township of Norwich services
- Questions about your Oxford County services
- Other comments and suggestions
The survey will take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete depending on your answers.
Feedback from the survey will be shared with Township of Norwich Council and Oxford County Council, but no personal or identifying information will be shared.
Your municipal property tax bill
When you pay your municipal property tax bill, the funds are distributed to three agencies. Each of these agencies are responsible for delivering a distinct set of programs and services.
- Local Area Municipality
- Oxford County
- Education (School boards)*
Not included in your property tax bill are user fees and charges. These are special fees set by by-laws collected from residents that consume a particular service. Examples of these fees include bag tags, recreation, transit, water and wastewater to name a few.
Each municipality has its own set of fees approved by its council. These revenues are used to offset specific costs (partially or completely) to receive a direct or personal benefit.
* Note: The Government of Ontario sets the education tax rates that are necessary to cover the cost of publicly funded education. In Oxford County, revenue collected is paid to one of the four local school boards as directed by the homeowner.