Addendum to the 2024 Development Charge Background Study

Update: June 10, 2024

The 2024 Development Charge Background Study was posted for public review and comment on April 12, 2024, with a public meeting following on May 8.

On June 10, Oxford County issued an Addendum to the Background Study with the passing of Bill 185 - Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024, on June 6, 2024. This legislation includes a number of changes to the Development Charges Act.

The purpose of the Addendum to the Background Study is to include development charge eligible costs for growth-related studies and reflect other changes in the Development Charges Act made through Bill 185, such as reducing the development charge “freeze” from 2-years to 18 months, removal of the statutory phase-in of the charge in new by-laws, and other housekeeping amendments.

COMING UP: The 2024 Development Charge Background Study and updated development charge by-law is before County Council for approval on June 12, 2024. Read the Council report: CS 2024-17 - 2024 Development Charge Background Study

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